Physiotherapy Treatment Prices in Vernon or North Okanagan
At Damini Physiotherapy & Sports Injury, we provide a high-quality physiotherapy service and one-on-one private sessions with our physiotherapist. We don't overbook, rely on support personnel for care, or charge unreasonable fees. The following are some general cost estimates and associated fees. If you require any further information, please get in touch with us immediately.
Our Rates
Have a look at the rates we charge for our services:
Under approved ICBC and WSBC claims, there is no charge to the user.
Initial assessment 45-60 minutes: $110
30 minutes: $95
45 minutes: $120
60 minutes: $140
Vestibular assessment: $140
Vestibular subsequent/follow-up: $95
MSP-covered individuals can qualify for up to 10 physiotherapy treatments per calendar year. Please call us for details.